New Year Electrical Resolutions

A common new year tradition is to make resolutions to become a better individual, both personally and professionally. While setting goals for the coming year, consider including home upgrades and improvements to save money and conserve resources.

Electricity is an integral part of our daily routine. Yet homeowners often ignore electrical safety, which can turn hazardous. Make some new year electrical resolutions to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the home electrical system and guarantee home and family safety.

In this post, we mention a few easy-to-implement suggestions to save major bucks and keep the residential electrical system in perfect shape for the new year:

Install a whole-house surge protector

Every modern home today has countless electronics in addition to appliances. Unexpected power surges can strain the electrical system. They can damage appliances and devices and can even cause electrical fires. Call an electrician to install a whole-house surge protector to create an added layer of protection from the excess power flow.  

Switch to energy-efficient LED light bulbs

A significant home upgrade that is both pocket and environmentally friendly is swapping the traditional and inefficient incandescent light bulbs with LEDs. The high upfront cost of LED lights may appear discouraging, but they end up paying for themselves in a few years. LEDs consume 75% less energy than standard bulbs and last 50 times longer. Resolve to light up the home this new year with energy-efficient LED lights.

Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

Consider installing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors or check if it is time to replace the existing ones. Gas leaks are a real threat to home safety, and investing in these vital devices is worthy. Resolve to replace their batteries regularly and test them every month for proper functionality.

Reset GFCI outlets

The new year is the perfect time to get into the habit of resetting the Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) outlets every month. These outlets are usually installed in high-moisture areas. Press the reset button to ensure it trips and resets correctly. Then, call a professional to inspect them annually and ensure that they are in good working condition.

Repair or replace malfunctioning appliances

Some appliances in every household are either old or do not function properly. These appliances can become a fire hazard if ignored. Make it a point to evaluate all the appliances and devices this year for repair and replacement needs and take the required action.

Take steps to lower energy consumption

Energy conservation is a genuine concern, and the new year is the perfect time to do something for the environment. There are several ways to cut down on overall energy consumption. For example, turn off or unplug electrical devices when lying idle, use energy star-rated appliances, do not leave lights on unnecessarily, install solar systems, and invest in a home energy audit to keep the electrical system working at optimal efficiency.

Schedule a yearly electrical inspection

Professional electricians stress the need for yearly inspections of the home electrical system to identify problems and make essential improvements. It can have a significant impact on utility bills. Contact a local licensed electrician this new year to conduct routine maintenance of the home electrical system and ensure it is in working order.

When you need a licensed electrician for commercial or residential electrical needs, call Zimmerman Electric at 310-378-1323.