The Various Benefits of Installing Tamper-Resistant Outlets


When homeowners are expecting their first child, there are many safety precautions that should be considered. One of the most recommended upgrades is replacing existing outlets with modern, child-friendly models. Tamper-resistant outlets are the best way to inexpensively add safety and security to a home and make it more child-proof. Here are some benefits of adding these outlets when remodeling the house with child safety in mind.

How tamper-resistant outlets work

A tamper-resistant outlet looks similar to a regular three-prong outlet on the outside. However, the sockets are covered by internal, spring-loaded shutters. Forcing an object through one of the holes in the socket won’t disengage the spring and open the outlet. The shutters will only open when a correct plug is inserted. Although it can be overridden with two similarly-shaped objects, children rarely have the strength necessary to push two separate objects into the plug which makes it a perfect safety measure. For adults, the spring doesn’t pose a problem for regular use.

Why are tamper-resistant outlets better?

Young children mimic what adults do, and they are usually at eye level with outlets around the house. Their natural curiosity often gets the better of them, and they tend to try to push their fingers or small objects into the socket to see what happens. While this might seem innocuous, ordinary plugs can be deadly. Accidents involving regular electrical outlets are common, and 2,400 children are hurt by placing objects into them each year.

What happens if a child puts something into an outlet?

If a metal item is pushed into the outlet, it will become an electrical conductor, and allow the electricity to travel through the child’s body from the outlet into the ground. Children can sustain injuries ranging from mild burns and shock to debilitating and even fatal ones.

Tamper-resistant outlets reduce much of the risk of injury when children are left unsupervised around the house. The spring-loaded design prevents children from activating the circuit because they won’t be able to move the shutters away.

While older children usually can stick items into the outlet, the outlet rarely accepts anything that is not a regular plug.

What to avoid when choosing outlets

When renovating the home electrical network, don’t use outlets that need to be screwed in place. The screw presents a considerable shock and fire hazard, and they are less convenient to replace.

While an outlet with an outer cover and without the tamper-proof design might appear attractive, they are not effective at preventing injuries. Children will quickly learn how to open the lid.

Are tamper-resistant outlets costly?

Tamper-resistant models are only slightly more expensive than regular outlets. Choosing them over traditional outlets won’t raise the cost more than a few dozen dollars at most. However, spending such a small amount of additional money is exceptionally worthwhile to protect loved ones.

When remodeling the electrical network, contact a qualified electrician or an electric company. Handling wires and electricity is dangerous work and should be left to professionals. The technician will also provide advice on outlet models, placement, and other recommended upgrades.

When you need a licensed electrician for commercial or residential electrical needs, call Zimmerman Electric at 310-378-1323.